Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Dangers of a Changing World of News



            The documentary Part Three: What’s Happening to the News? displays the growing concern that newspaper companies are continuing to fail. The U.S. is looking for entertainment, like they would in other forms of media and losing interest in watching fact based news. They are also moving deeper into the internet world causing the traditional news media and the economics of it to need to adapt or eventually fail.2

            With news sources on the internet like Yahoo! And Google being the top two sources for the public it is important to recognize that people are demanding news when they want it. The internet allows stories to be put up and developed over time and allows people to follow stories.3 The top news sources also rely on newspapers, so if they were to fail there would no longer be a good source of information especially for Google, who supplies consumers with links to newspaper websites with the stories they want to see. These news sources know that people “info-snack” meaning that they look at stories or pieces of stories that interest them and then click on links leading them to other similar stories. They also know that people are more interested in entertainment news and stories like investigative pieces are more popular and stories that people have not heard before are the most successful.2 People have short attention spans and so it is important to show short clips in order to get the point across quickly and keep people interested and coming back for more information like this short clip from CNN.2,3

            People are able to get national news all over the internet with sources like Yahoo! and Google. However, they are not able to get local news and investigative stories, such as high school sports and problems or developments in their city or town. This is why many papers are beginning to “hyperlocalize” because they are able to maintain themselves and get more advertisements to support themselves.2 The big national newspapers are losing their advertisements to Yahoo! and Google, but more and more are able to get online advertisements on their sites to maintain themselves. Because news media has become very profit driven over the years through advertisements and the realization that this information can be profitable it has become more and more competitive. Big companies began buying newspaper companies until the dramatic decline in sales and then they began to break up into smaller companies once again. They competitive nature for profit has caused the industry to need to adapt fast and maintain a profit through online “paywalls” because advertising is not enough for large national newspapers to profit.3

            To get more interest and viewers newspaper industries on the internet are competing with free blogs that are put together by citizen journalists. These are regular, untrained people who blog about issues going on in the world. These blogs are becoming more and more popular and are being recognized as the top sources of information. A popular one is the,4 The newspaper industries need to find a way to keep up with these information sources. Although, this type of journalism might seem good to the public, are they really getting what they need to be hearing about the world or are they just getting what they want to hear? Is the U.S. just being entertained by the news or are they being informed? Many newspaper companies prided themselves in giving news that gave neutral, factual information to the public, but today the news media has become more and more about entertainment to keep up with that form of media.2,3

            The news industry is very important for the public not just in the United States, but everywhere. If the newspaper industry was not able to stay in business then how would the public stay informed about many issues including politics? People need to be informed about the decisions that are being made for them and their country. Without newspaper companies the information we need to maintain our democratic government will become lost and more difficult to find. Even today, I feel that information is being mixed with entertainment as well as confused with it. Newspapers need to find a way to keep support and maintain their status through support from places like colleges or big companies.3 With this continuous decline in newspaper companies, where will these companies be in the future if something is not done?


Works Cited


1. McIlroy T. Future Of Publishing. Available at: Accessed May 25, 2013.

2. News War. Frontline Available at: Accessed May 25, 2013.

3. Campbell R, Martin CR, Fabos B. Media & Culture: Mass Communication in a Digital Age. 9th ed. Boston, MA: Bedford/ St. Martin’s Available at: Accessed May 22, 2013.

4. Daily Kos. Dly. Kos. Available at: Accessed May 25, 2013.

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